ColorID supports European Campus Card Association at 10th anniversary. CORNELIUS, NC - June 5, 2012 - ColorID, LLC recently participated in the 10th annual European Campus Card Association (ECCA) Conference, held at Lund University in Lund, Sweden. Danny Smith, ColorID's Executive Vice President led and participated in both an educational presentation session during the ECCA conference, 'Card and Printing Technologies, Trends and Developments' as well as being part of the global panel expert discussion on 'International Workshop on Campus Card Systems - Advancing into the Future'. The annual ECCA conference has become the most important campus card conference in Europe. The event is aimed specifically at European higher education institutions that are interested in campus card technologies and identification systems. Seminars and workshops are held covering all aspects of card-based systems. Sinead Nealon, Secretary General of ECCA stated, "The European Campus Card Association (ECCA) very much appreciates the participation of ColorID at our 10th Annual Conference which attracted delegates from all over Europe and worldwide. The European Campus Card Association continues to become a stronger association each year and the past 10 years have been a huge success in terms of the association's growth and development. ColorID has played an important role in this development of ECCA and of Campus Card systems in Europe. Since the foundation of ECCA in 2002, ColorID has presented at the Annual Conference each year. Our conference schedule this year included a very well attended presentation on 'Card Production & Printing' presented by Danny Smith. The availability of the expertise and knowledge of the ColorID team to our European Universities/Colleges is hugely important to us and is much valued by ECCA". ColorID's Executive Vice President Danny Smith stated, "We are extremely pleased to continue to support ECCA and its annual conference for the last 10 years. The fellowship and open exchange of ideas and information is an invaluable benefit to the development of card programs throughout Europe. Each year we welcome the opportunity to share our insights and expertise on card technologies and card issuance solutions. ECCA, has done a tremendous job developing the European Education Connectivity Solution (EECS). They are successfully moving towards their goal of creating a standardized, interoperable campus system that will facilitate student mobility across Europe".
July 2020
ColorID has spent over 24 years serving the ID Industry with top-level sales and support to build the ultimate trust with every customer.