Want to learn more?
If you curious how retransfer and or pigment based inks might help your id badging environment then feel free to contact us directly via the following contact form.
Creating a Customized Lanyard with
ColorID's Design-A-Lanyard Tool
Mark Degan Director of Corporate Marketing Managing your id badges is one thing but protecting that investment for your cardholder is another. Utilizing accessories not only helps extend the life of the id badge it also helps the cardholder store it securely. ID badge accessories are often an afterthought once a credential has been issued so instead of having this frame of mind, flip the script and implement accessories to help push your proud brand and protect that asset.
ColorID has spent over 24 years serving the ID Industry with top-level sales and support to build the ultimate trust with every customer.
ColorID's interactive e-Binder showcases the full line of products and services needed for your organization's ID needs.
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